Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Short Story- Behind the Fences

She was brought to Auschwitz with trains in crowded cattle cars deprived of any food and water. Tears were streaming down Elisheva’s face.Even when a flood of tears gushed down her pale cheeks she was immensely beautiful.She knew that her life was not rainbows and butterflies anymore as she was trapped inside the tightly closed cattle cars.As she arrived to Auscwitz, the SS-men were shouting and cursing while pushing and beating the other prisoners who were forcefully taken out from the train. The prisoners were then arranged in groups of five and marched to the camp as tears were pouring down their cheeks.They looked back to their families who were just as devastated and waved their last good-bye to them as their thin and fragile hands trembled with fear.

It was Elisheva’s turn now.She knew that her life would be unbearably hard as soon as she was trapped in these barbed wire fences.She marched to the camp with four other prisoners at a rapid pace. The guards and the bloodthirsty SS-men were equipped with machine guns. They held on to the leashes of the dogs which barked at them furiously.The SS-men were taking their clothes off.Elisheva was then given those filthy blue and grey striped pyjamas which was made of poor quality fabric.They were then rushed while the vigorous looking guards cursed at them furiously to the nearby bathhouse where their heads would be shaved.Elisheva’s face showed distress and she shut her eyes as drops of tears were slowly running down her dry and pale cheeks.She wiped her eyes so much that her nut-brown eyes became red and swollen.Her hair that fell down on her shoulders like a cascade of water was now shaved.This was followed by a Nazi guard guiding them to the neighbouring room where they were to take a shower.She was informed by one of the other prisoners, Amit, that they place all their valuable properties for deposit or else they would be punished mercilessly. Elisheva had nothing but a picture of her and her mom together that she kept.Her beloved mother had died during the Kristellnacht as a Nazi officer shot her cruelly.

Each day was worse than the day before for Elisheva.The daily routine in Auscwitz was harrowing. All the prisoners were awakened by the kapo, who was an inmate appointed to do certain duties by the Nazis, barking at them. From the shapeless staw mattress they had to make a perfect bed in a military manner.The blankets had to be impeccably neat and clean every morning.Elisheva and all the other prisoners rushed out of the barracks they stayed at and went to the washroom. The water would  switch between hot and cold.Elisheva then would rush with a fellow inmate, Amit, to get their food. The distribution of food would be unbearable at times. The kapo once decided to have a bit of fun and  threw Elisheva’s bread, which was approximately 10 ounces, on the muddy floor.She couldn’t care less, she couldn’t do a day without eating, she picked up the food from the ground and ate it hungrily.The appel was the daily line up that took place every morning right after waking up in 4 A.M. and was only one of the terrifying aspects of Elisheva’s life.They had to stand still exposed to the unbearable conditions for an hour.Sometimes they had to endure a sudden violent act of the guards.It was agonizing to take this everyday.She was thrown into this cruel, hard and horrific world of camp life from the ghetto she used to live with her family in Krakow.

As the days were passed by, the immensely beautiful Elisheva was nowhere to be found. Her pale skin was now sallow and was white as sheet.She had been starved for the past 2 days.The curves any men from her hood used to gaze at with admiration was now nothing but a bony body.She was run down by the tremendous amount of work she had to do on daily basis.Her nut-brown eyes were in despair now and she was a wreck. Elisheva went outside by herself and saw an SS-guard.There he was, standing alone in the corner with his trained dog baring his teeth at her furiously and barked at her vigorously.He then slowly walked her way.Elisheva was standing there as the guard was approaching.Her thin, fragile hands were shaking and she was standing there paralyzed with shock and fear.The howling wind hurled towards her as if it would blow away anything on its way.After a moment of shock she saw the SS-guard.He was on his late twenties, early thirties.His eyes were blue and daring.Everything about him seemed so perfect to her, his perfectly symmetrical nose and his slightly full lips.In the midst of the hardships and agony she went through he had such calming and quiet eyes.His name was Ulrich.Ulrich stepped forward and asked her what she was doing out here by herself.His warm breath brushed the side of her neck as he said it.Ulricht told her to go back to the barracks as it was too dangereous to stay out.Elisheva turned around and was walking on finger tips, bare feet on the mud back to the wooden barracks.Ulricht grabbed her arm gently and kissed her with his soft and moist lips.His kiss was heavenly and took Elisheva to paradise. Her pale cheeks blushed and she hurried back not to get caught.They promised eachother that they would secretly meet in the same spot the other night.

The next morning, Elisheva was waken up by the kapo again shouting at them furiously. She tidied her staw mattress in a perfectly neat, military manner.Elisheva and 400 other prisoners were rushing to the showers as a beginning of their horrendous daily routine in Auschwitz.They had no idea that these were the gas chambers that would bring their lives to an end.Right infront of the dressing rooms where the poor prisoners undressed was a sign that said ‘’ After the shower you will receive a hot coffee.’’ in German and Hebrew in enormous italic letters.As soon as Elisheva went into the chambers the water arbitrarily switched between boiling hot and freezing cold as always.Elisheva felt a gas poured in from the ventilators attached to the wooden ceiling.She felt as if she was going to choke and her lungs were about to burst from pain.She could hear other prisoners screaming at the top of their lungs.The panic slowly turned into pure silence and the high-pitched screams of the poor prisoners were now over.Elisheva fell down on the ground and she was lying there motionless.She would never see those crystal blue eyes of Ulrich that gave her a pinch of hope in the midst of such hardships.

Fall Trips- Vienna

Hundertwassers Haus

Museum Quarter